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Benefits of Enjoying a Soak - Epsom Salt Baths

Writer's picture: Courtney Truax, LMTCourtney Truax, LMT

Have you been feeling stressed, anxious, or have a hard time sleeping?  Or do you have some sore muscles from a workout or arthritic pain?  Soaking in a bath may help soothe your mind and body.  Adding Epsom Salt to your bath will also enhance the benefits of soaking in a steamy bath.  Although, there has been no scientific research studies done on the benefits, many swear that soaking in an Epsom Salt bath has many benefits for you to enjoy.


Want to try adding Epsom Salt to your bath?  First, you should know a little bit about Epsom Salt.  Epsom Salt can be found in most grocery stores or drugstores in either the health and beauty isle with bath products, or on the shelf next to aspirins and laxatives.  You will not find Epsom Salt next to the table salt.  This is because, despite the name, Epsom Salt is not a salt at all, but a natural mineral compound of Magnesium and Sulfate.  It gets its name from a place in England where there is a mineral spring where the compound was discovered.  Soaking in an Epsom Salt bath is safe for most people, but because it is made up of Magnesium and Sulfate, you may want to check with your doctor that there are no risk factors for you. 

So why should you soak in an Epsom Salt bath?  Well, Magnesium helps reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, for starters, but here are some of the most common reasons why soaking 15-20 minutes in a steamy Epsom Salt bath can be beneficial:


·      Helps you relax and decrease your stress levels

·      Helps soothe sore muscles after a workout

·      Relieves joint pain and stiffness that go along with Arthritis

·      Helps alleviate itchy skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema

·      Softens and smooths your skin

·      Helps to reduce insomnia

·      Alleviates tired and swollen feet

·      Helps reduce swelling and relieves tenderness caused by ingrown toenails

Whether you are a male or female, young or old, you can enjoy a soothing soak in an Epsom Salt bath and reap the benefits.  Next time you are at the store, pick up a bag (it’s fairly cheap) and pour a couple cups into the bath as you are filling the tub. Allow it time to dissolve into the heated water before getting in.  Submerge the areas that need relieving and simply enjoy the down time for 15-20 minutes and see how you feel.  Does it help you?


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© 2020 by Courtney Truax, LMT

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